© Arnold Gum 2016 |
Plant Name: Mormodia Barnabas Collins ‘SVO Dark Night’ FCC/AOS 90 pts.
(Cl. Grace Dunn x Morm. tapoayensis)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
4.2 cm |
Vertical: |
2.7 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
0.9 cm |
Length: |
1.9 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.3 cm |
Length: |
2.0 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.1 cm |
Length: |
2.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.3 cm |
Length: |
2.4 cm |
Description: One hundred thirteen well arranged flowers and four buds on seven pendant inflorescences originating from one pseudobulb; sepals and petals deep wine, blotched darker wine; lip deep wine spotted darker wine, margin slightly ruffled and serrate, light purple picotee; column pale wine mottled dark wine, anther cap cream; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke |

© Arnold Gum 2016 |
_SVO Amazing AM 86pts 20161933 s.jpg)
© Arnold Gum 2016 |
Plant Name: Fredclarkeara N.R. ‘SVO Amazing’ AM/AOS 86 pts.
(Mo. Painted Desert x Ctsm. Orchidglade)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
6.4 cm |
Vertical: |
4.2 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
3.7 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
2.0 cm |
Length: |
3.6 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
3.9 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.9 cm |
Length: |
3.6 cm |
Description: Twenty flowers on one 47.0-cm pendulous inflorescence; sepals and petals light green finely spotted burgundy along veins, denser distally; lip slightly cupped, green proximally, orange centrally, tan distally, spotted burgundy proximally and apically, distal margin fimbriate; column green, cream basally spotted burgundy; substance very firm; texture matte. (Mo Painted Desert x Ctsm Orchidglade)
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke |

© Arnold Gum 2016 |
Plant Name: Fredclarkeara Enter Light ‘SVO Grasshopper’ AM/AOS 85 pts.
(Fdk. After Dark x Ctsm. pileatum)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
6.2 cm |
Vertical: |
5.2 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
2.0 cm |
Length: |
3.9 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
2.3 cm |
Length: |
4.0 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
2.0 cm |
Length: |
4.2 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.2 cm |
Length: |
3.5 cm |
Description: Twenty-seven flowers on two arching pendulous, 38.0-cm and 50.0-cm long inflorescences; sepals and petals green, lip saccate green, yellow centrally margin fimbriate; substance firm; texture waxy.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke |